Business Details
  • Profile
    Having problems with your computer or laptop? Don't worry; Adrian's IT Services has you covered. I can carry out repairs on all makes and models of laptops and computers. Whether your computer is running slowly, your software isn't working properly or you have a pesky virus, my computer repair services in Droitwich will be able to resolve the problem for you. I have many years of experience working on, repairing, and building computers which has given me invaluable experience and insight into how your computers work. This is vital when it comes to diagnosing problems and treating them effectively and quickly. Often the problems that may seem complicated to you, are simple repairs to the trained eye, so don't hesitate to get in touch about your computer or laptop and I'll repair it for you while offering first class advice for future use
  • Services Overview
    Application Services, Backup, Disaster Recovery and Data Management, Cloud Services, Commercial Premises, Computer Sales and Repairs, Hardware / Software, IT Support, Managed Services Provider
  • Industry Sector Specialism
    Private Sector, Residential, Sector Agnostic, Technology Sector
  • Years of Experience
    5-10 Years
  • Website
  • Phone Number
Head Office
Region/County/City/Town Covered
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