Operative Details
  • Bristol Operative - Sam
  • I have over 30 years in the business providing and installing PA systems and AV installations across many different companies in the public and private sector. I can provide equipment and expertise for any size conference, streaming events, meetings and shows. I have experience in sound, lighting, and camera work, recording live streaming events, managing stages, installing comms, TVs, touch control panels, projectors and screens for all size of businesses. I hold a National NPPV 3 with SC certificate and carry out AV installation work for the Ministry of Defence.
  • Services Offered: Audio Visual
  • Locations Covered: Bristol
  • Distance prepared to travel: 1 Hour
  • Amount of Personal Indemnity Cover (£): £5 Million
Base Location
Smart Hands Booking
To request our Smart Hands service, you can make a booking here.
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